What does ADHD look like?

ADHD can look different across the lifespan. In kids, you might notice hyperactivity, impulsiveness, and problems in school, while grown-ups might show subtler signs like struggling to stay organized and managing their emotions.

High-achievers might seem successful on the outside, but they often use strategies to hide difficulties with focus, time management, and setting impossibly high standards for themselves. Many high-achieving folks with ADHD don’t even know they have it!

You need someone who can keep up with your brain if you’re ever going to give them access to your heart. 

  • Kids With ADHD


    • Attention and Focus

    • Hyperactivity

    • Impulsivity

    • Academic Challenges

    • Social Interactions

    • Time Management

    • Emotional Regulation

  • Adults With ADHD


    • Organization and Time Management

    • Attention and Focus

    • Impulsivity

    • Emotional Regulation

    • Forgetfulness

    • Relationship Difficulties

    • Career Challenges

  • High-Achievers With ADHD


    • Masking Symptoms

    • Perfectionism

    • Overworking

    • Imposter Syndrome

    • Stress and Anxiety

    • Maintaining Relationships

    • Rejection Sensitivity

How does therapy help a child with ADHD?

Therapy can significantly benefit a child with ADHD by providing strategies to improve focus, impulse control, and organization. Moreover, it helps the child develop essential life skills and coping mechanisms while addressing any emotional or behavioral challenges, fostering a more balanced and fulfilling life.

How does therapy help an adult with ADHD?

For an adult with classic ADHD symptoms:

Therapy for adults with classic ADHD symptoms can provide valuable tools and strategies to improve their daily functioning and overall well-being. Through therapy, individuals can learn techniques to enhance focus, time management, and emotional regulation, helping them better navigate the challenges associated with ADHD and achieve their personal and professional goals.

For a high-achiever with ADHD symptoms:

Therapy can be instrumental in helping high-achievers with ADHD symptoms manage their unique challenges, such as perfectionism and overworking, while improving focus and time management skills. It also offers a platform to explore and process the grief and trauma often linked to a late-in-life diagnosis, allowing individuals to embrace their true selves, find balance, and continue their pursuit of success with greater self-compassion and understanding.

ADHD can significantly impact couples by introducing unique challenges related to communication, organization, and emotional regulation. Often, one partner with ADHD may struggle with forgetfulness, impulsivity, and difficulties in keeping up with responsibilities, which can lead to frustration and tension in the relationship. Both partners might feel overwhelmed and misunderstood.

Therapy can be highly beneficial for couples dealing with ADHD-related issues. It can provide a safe space for open communication, education about ADHD, and the development of practical strategies to manage symptoms. Couples therapy can help partners better understand each other's perspectives, improve empathy, and collaboratively work on finding solutions to common challenges. Additionally, therapy can teach effective communication techniques and stress management strategies, ultimately fostering a healthier and more harmonious relationship.

How does ADHD impact relationships and how can couples therapy help?

