Navigating children & family challenges with compassionate therapy.

Improve communication & restore connection.

A mother and her teen embrace and connect lovingly in therapy.

You love each other, but things feel hard right now.

If you are a parent…

Maybe it’s failing grades or notes home from the teacher. Or maybe it’s the slammed doors and tearful blow ups. You’re sick of your own voice and constantly feeling like you’re talking to a brick wall. Nothing you’ve tried is working or getting through to them.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • You’re struggling to stay focused at work

  • You’re fighting more with your partner

  • You’re asking yourself questions like “Is my kid going to be okay? Am I?”

If you are a kid…

Maybe the sound of your parents’ voice is like nails on a chalkboard. You hear what they are saying, but you’ve heard it a thousand times now. You want to experiment, try out new things, fail, learn and grow. You want to feel good about yourself and figure out who you are.

Whatever it is that you’re experiencing, you’re beginning to notice the impact of this in every facet of your life:

  • You’re struggling to stay focused at school

  • You’re fighting more with your parents

  • You’re asking yourself questions like “Is this ever going to get better?” “Is there something wrong with me?”

how we can help

Therapy for children and parents can help your family get on the same page .

Kids go through significant physical, emotional, and cognitive changes, which can lead to mood swings, risky behaviors, and conflicts with parents. Communication can be challenging as they may withdraw or become defensive.

It can be really difficult for parents to strike a balance between giving their kids space to grow and protecting them from harm. Additionally, societal pressures, such as social media and academic demands, can add to the stress of both children and their parents.

We can help you navigate this.

Our therapists specialize in treating the whole family — starting from post-partum & perinatal care, all the way to becoming empty-nesters.

we can help you….

Identify & address areas of conflict

While everything might seem like a conflict, there are typically a few underlying issues that trigger cause continuous struggle. We can help you figure out what they are and give you tools to deal with them.

Develop a sense of empathy and understanding for each other

We can help you see that you are dealing with the same problems. You want to be heard, validated and in control of your own decisions. Once you can see that you are fighting the same fight, you can work together instead of against eachother.

Feel connected AND maintain healthy boundaries

Therapy gives teens a confidential space to work through their feelings. We teach your family how to allow for this growing need for privacy and independence while also fostering connection.

we want you to know:

Change is possible.

We will help you through this process, tailoring each step to your unique needs and circumstances. Our approach to family therapy comes from a place of hope and optimism: believing that neither you nor your child are the “problem,” but that it’s simply the cycle you’re in that needs fixing.


Common questions about teen and family therapy

  • We will explore your thoughts, feelings and concerns helping you gain insight into your behavors.

    We will teach you how to communicate in a healthy way and solve problems.

    We will set goals and hold you accountable so that you can develop a sense of self-trust and confidence.

  • No. All of what you share in therapy stays confidential unless you are a danger to yourself or others. Your parent/caregiver will be involved only to the extent that we decide upon at the beginning of therapy.

    We ask that parents sit in for a few minutes every few sessions in order for us to teach them the skills that you are working on so you can practice them together.

    It is up to you to decide what you want to share with them.

  • Call us! The best way to feel confident in this process is for you to meet briefly with one of our therapists.

    Once you mutually decide to move forward, you will fill out intake information before your first session.

    After that, you will meet weekly or every two weeks (depending on what you need) as you work with your therapist to meet your goals.

Ready to get started?

Your family deserves to live in harmony.